API Troubleshooting

The API can return a number of error messages if your calls are unsuccessful, below is a list of the errors and how you can resolve the issue.

Your authentication credentials are invalid

This indicates that you have not given the correct username/password to access the API from your account. Please ensure you use your Repricer Admin user's login credentials.

The API is limited to clients in trial or paying

This indicates that you do not have access to the API. The API is limited to Ultimate and Extreme clients.

Missing mandatory header column

The file format supplied through the API should be the same as you would use via the screen. This error indicates the file format is incorrect and you should review it.

You have reached the maximum requests limit

This indicates that you have made too many requests to the API. You can try again later and slow down your uploads or downloads to avoid this in the future.

Non-admin credentials used

This indicates that you're not using admin credentials. You must use the admin credentials associated with your account.

Previous file is still being processed

This indicates that the previous file you uploaded is still processing. Leave it a minute then try again.

This is not a valid file

This indicates that the file you are trying to upload has not been found. Check the filename and folder in your call match the location of the file.

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